Simple and innovative, with no income or savings conditions. Free from one card transaction per month. No fees on payments and withdrawals by credit card anywhere in the world (2), without amount limits
APR as of 04/25/2018, includes warranty and insurance costs for a borrower aged 30 years. Depreciable loan of € 200,000 at fixed rate over 15 years.
The total cost credit is € 24,841.40.
... accompanies you every day 24/7 on Maple Invest Stay also connected via our mobile site and our free applications for iPhone, iPad or Android to manage your accounts in all mobility.
You need advice on managing your wealth. Contact our team of specialist advisers in the Heritage Department.
Our teams are located in Brest and Paris. They are made up of finance professionals and are available from Monday to Saturday.
For the first opening of a bank account with Gold Mastercard followed by 5 payments made with the card purchased before August 16, 2020.
Simple and innovative, with no income or savings conditions. Free from one card transaction per month. No fees on payments and withdrawals by credit card anywhere in the world (2), without amount limits
Top of the range, from € 1,800 of monthly net income (or € 10,000 in savings). Free from one card transaction per month. No fees on payments and withdrawals by credit card anywhere in the world (2), with no limit on amounts. Reinforced assistance and insurance guarantees for your leisure and travel. High withdrawal and payment ceilings.
Prestige, Eligibility from € 4,000 monthly net income. Free subject to a monthly payment of € 4,000 to the Maple Invest Partner account. No fees on payments and withdrawals by bank card anywhere in the world (2), with no limit on the amount (7). Optimal assistance and insurance guarantees. A concierge service at your service 24 hours a day. Exceptional services in France and abroad 'foreigner. Special offers.
Life insurance is a flexible and tax-efficient savings tool (1) that adapts to all your projects. You can make payments and redemptions there whenever you want
The strengths of life insurance:
Life insurance can be used to finance precautionary savings, to save to pay for your children's education afterwards, to set aside for a property purchase, to prepare your estate, etc. but why should you subscribe with us?
As its name suggests, mortgage is used to finance a real estate project.
The car loan is a loan which allows you to buy a car. Its duration varies from 1 to 4 years and its cost depends on the profile of the borrower.
Consumer credit helps offset daily expenses. For example, you can choose this loan to finance your vacation or to take advantage of the sales.
A loan commits you and must be reimbursed. Check your repayment capacity before committing.
With the electronic signature, Maple Invest Partner offers you to apply for your credit 100% online. Complete your subscription online without sending any supporting documents.
Being a partner company means supporting its customers in every moment of their lives and offering them the highest quality.
Quality of service is our number one priority. Thus, we are committed to
Always responding to customer requests.
Providing clear and precise answers.
Guaranteeing competence of each advisor.
We conduct regular satisfaction surveys to guarantee the sustainability of the quality of service from one year to the next.